
Vereniging voor Credit Management (VVCM)

The Dutch VVCM, Vereniging voor Credit Management, was set up in 1990 and celebrated 25 year existence in 2015. Its 900 members are involved in trade, consumer and export credit as well as in collections, credit reporting, credit insurance and insolvency practice.

The mission of the VVCM is to develop and support the profession of the Credit Manager and the trade of Credit Management. 

The VVCM realizes this through: 

1. organisation of Credit Management business meetings 

2. organisation and developing specialist education and training on several levels 

3. publishing the professional journal, the Credit Manager, four times a year, to keep the credit manager up to date 

4. maintain contact and make recommendations to the Dutch politics and other Dutch organisations involved in financial matters 

5. maintain international contacts in politics as well as with international credit management organisations 

6. research

Since the beginning of her existence the VVCM is member of the FECMA.


Contact Information

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Credit Management (VVCM)

Computerweg 11,


The Netherlands

Tel. 00 31 346 558050

