
ACMI - Association of Credit Managers (Italy)

ACMI, the Credit Manager Italia Association, was founded in 1974 and currently has its headquarters in Via Speronari No. 6 in the historic centre of Milan, to which three delegations have been added over the years; Lazio, Puglia and Veneto. Today it has about 500 members, and is a member of FECMA, the Federation of European Credit Management Associations (which is the European Federation of National Credit Management Associations). ACMI is an association of people working in companies with the purpose to create value through proper credit management. The Association is based on the principle of participatory spirit of all members through the exchange of mutual knowledge and unconditionally from personal interests and economic interests.

ACMI's goal is to facilitate a system of relationships to ease the exchange of experience and information (in full compliance with applicable laws) between those in the companies dealing with Credit Management as well as promoting,diffusing and maintaining the spirit of collaboration and solidarity among its members.

ACMI has 8 Sectorial Groups divided by market logic, in which through regular meetings, members can share experiences and through comparison increase their experience and competences.

ACMI through local, national and international initiatives, deals with the continuous training, information and professional growth of its members.Information, continuous and permanent with updates, documents and procedures, as well as moments of aggregation that are of particular relevancefor our technical partners who can find spaces for the diffusion of information related to their products and services.

ACMI is present and active in promoting the association on the main socia lnetworks: Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

The President of the ACMI is Roberto Daverio, the Vice President is Maria Silvestri. Alberto Cotti is the Secretary General, responsible for relations both with FECMA and the Press.


Associazione Credit Managers Italia (ACMI)

Via Speronari, 6

201213 Milano

Tel: 0039 02 76000598

